Not everything the Princess has written has been made into a proper piece. Studies, abandoned drafts and more can be found here!

Lullaby for the Deaf Queen

One of the Princess' earlier works playing around with dissonance to mold it into something interesting.

The incandescent colour of the sky on at sundown on a summer day while the Queen of Summer admires the dimming light, quietly taking in its beauty

Usually abbreviated as '14 Summers/Goldfish Tattoo'.An early draft, originally meant to become a full-fledged song. The Princess remains proud of this piece. It additionally stands as a testament to her distaste for naming her own work, and the spite with which she approaches the exercise.

PuppyGirlKnot, PuppyGirlLove

Another draft of what was meant to become a full song. The title was surprisingly meant to be final.


One of the Princess' studies into creating different sounds and atmospheres. As a little piece of trivia, the heartbeat heard in the background is a heavily distorted bass guitar, played at a BPM matching an average human heartbeat.

Neoclassical Solo Improvisation

A short piece written in less than an hour as a study of sorts.

Alice (draft)

An audio note of what could have become the basis for a full song.